Savjet #1: Ne slušajte tuđe savjete
100 savjeta za bolji život
Ovo su mrvicu inteligentniji savjeti od tipičnih self-help savjeta. Barem su zabavniji za čitanje i stvarno ima dobrih ideja. Evo, nekoliko, naravno da su na engleskom da ne kvarimo prijevodom (ako trebate prijevod imate Google translator ili ChatGPT npr.)
7. Don’t buy CDs for people. They have Spotify. Buy them merch from a band they like instead. It’s more personal and the band gets more money.
17. Done is better than perfect.
18. Keep your desk and workspace bare. Treat every object as an imposition upon your attention, because it is. A workspace is not a place for storing things. It is a place for accomplishing things.
19. Reward yourself after completing challenges, even badly.
26. Are you on the fence about breaking up or leaving your job? You should probably go ahead and do it. People, on average, end up happier when they take the plunge.
27. Discipline is superior to motivation. The former can be trained, the latter is fleeting. You won’t be able to accomplish great things if you’re only relying on motivation. (Kako tužno! Al istinito.)
30. If you listen to successful people talk about their methods, remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed did not make videos about it. 100 Tips for a Better Life